Friday Review - Something Old, Something New


Mish read an Advanced Reading Copy of Crooked Little Vein by Warren Ellis:

Crooked Little Vein delivers Warren Ellis' distinctive style out of the graphic novel section and into the unsuspecting hands of mainstream America, and for this I am positively gleeful. The novel follows the twisted journey of one Mike McGill - PI, shit-magnet, and straight man to Ellis' humor - through the perverse underworld of a surprisingly recognizable America in pursuit of an iconic relic of "the good old days". Set in pseudo-present day, Ellis feels no particular need to embellish the habits of America's practicing perverts as we saw in Transmetropolitan, but still succeeds in hitting the reader as powerfully as ever with his concise prose and fantastically disturbing imagery.

Benn read Dishwasher by Pete Jordan:

Pete Jordan converted his youthful restlessness and anti-authoritarian inclinations into what would seem a simple enough quest - to wash dishes in all 50 states. Turning his legendary Dishwasher zine into a book here, Pete crafts a modern classic every bit as relevant to people today as Kerouac's On The Road was to a previous generation. It's the story of a man finding himself, his place in the world and a life, but this man just happens to be an endearing everyman hero. This is a must read! In fact, it should be required reading for every college/high school senior.

Rachel read Papercutter #5:

This comic anthology series just gets better and better. Beautifully put together with engrossing fast reads, it's exactly what anthologies (and comics) should be - satisfying on its own but making you curious enough to track down more by the artists you were just exposed to.

Lauren loves Nohohon Zoku:

Perhaps the idea of a white round-headed guy that nods his head back and forth by solar power sounds odd. Sure, it's weird, in fact it freaked me out when I first brought him home, but the toy is super cute and the box boasts 5 million sales. How can 5 million people be wrong?

This adorable guy sits upon a base decorated with flowers, corn, and a smaller version of himself. The nod is gentle and almost hypnotizing. You may find yourself nodding you own head gently back in forth in time with his. How relaxing!

Nohohon Zoku is my favorite toy in months. Mine sits by my kitchen sink and I look up at him frequently as I wash my dishes.

Nohohon does not tell time or time your cooking. He simply nods his head. You can also put it in your window to make neighbors wonder and it makes a great cat toy.


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